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Female viagra liquid form ) that is manufactured by a patent-holding pharmaceutical research organization in China. Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight For an unknown reason, the Viagra manufacturer went bankrupt and the patent expired in 2010. As a result, Dr. Farsalinos and the other inventors filed patent infringement suit against Pfizer, which was then owned by GlaxoSmithKline, in 2012. The plaintiffs argued that their product was really a generic copy of different drug, a type antidepressant known as sildenafil citrate, which was approved in 1995 and which Pfizer still Buying valium mexico sold. Policemen patrol in front of the New York Stock Exchange during the "Flash Crash" of 2000. In the case, jury sided with Pfizer, ruling that the Farsalinos, Drs. Bhatia, Farsalinos and the other inventors were owed a royalty, but the buy generic adderall from canada company was not in fact required to pay one. The judge ordered Pfizer to pay $14.9 million Dr. Farsalinos for the patent infringement. That's $9.2 million for the Viagra formulation patent and Buy generic adderall from canada $3 million more for the sildenafil patent. Pfizer appealed the decision to U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in February 2015. A U.S. appeals court panel in a ruling Tuesday said Pfiz